Saturday 25 August 2012

Groninger Museum

The Groninger Museum, seen from the canal side.
The bridge to the Museum, when it opens up for boat traffic you can see the typical Delft tiles.

tom thomson evening canoe
Evening, Canoe Lake, 1915-16, Tom Thomson
The Pointers, 1916-17, Tom Thomson

The Groninger Museum had several temporary and permanent collections when we visited in August 2012.
I saw a poster on the train station in Den Helder regarding the exhibition "Painting Canada, Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven" and got very fascinated by the poster picture ("The Pointers"). That was when I decided to go to Groningen and see this exhibition.
Lawren Harris, "Untitled Mountain Landscape", c. 1927-78.
J. E. H. MacDonald, "Lake O'Hara", 1930
A chinese artist, Yin Xiuzhen, was also displayed there at the time, installations with philosophical undertones.
For all her installations, she always uses a lot of second hand clothes that she stitches up into new creations. Amazing!

"Collective Subconscious", 2007
Her newest installation; "Nowhere to land", 2012.

One year in The Netherlands

last year I moved to The Netherlands, a country rich in historic and contemporary art.
We have been so many places to see different kind of arts, and for each museum and gallery I have bought a couple of postcards that I have put in a small album.
Here is the list of places Pol and I have visited during this last year:

- Het Scheepvaartmuseum;The Maritime Museum in Amsterdam which has an extensive collection of paintings and drawings describing Hollands past and present maritime life.

-Hermitage Amsterdam, the exhibition "Rubens, Van Dyck & Jordaens".

-  The Rembrandt House, Amsterdam, where Rembrandt lived and had his galleries.

- The Escher Muesum in Den Haag,

- Optical Illusions, which was a exhibition on the top floor of the bookstore Selexyz in Amsterdam.

-Frans Hals Museum in Haarlem,

-Kröller-Müller Museum in Hoge Veluwe National Park,

We also went on holiday to Spain and went to the art museum in Sevilla; "Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla", with a lot of typical catholic art of saints and stories from the Bible, but also from city life, like the bullfighting and portaits of rich and famous Sevillians.