Tuesday 13 November 2012

Sea turtles and a new tattoo

Baby sea turtles at the http://www.ioseaturtles.org/pom_detail.php?id=45 

I have for a long time been a big fan of sea turtles, they are just amazing creature, and they have been around since the dinosaurs!
At the beach where we will release the turtles.
When at Bali, Pol and I attended a CS (CouchSurfing) Event where we visited a sea turtle "orphanage" and released some sea turtle babies at the sea.

In Bali there has been an alarming decrease in sea turtles nesting on the beach, due to tourism and also an increased interest in the meat and for religious sacrifices.
Several organisations around the island are trying to protect the hatching grounds or collect the eggs and then releases the baby turtles when they have already hatched.
They were not used to the sand!

Finally in the ocean, swimming away from the beach. They will not be back before in 30 years!
 The tattoo was made by Dewa at Kuta Beach, www.dewa17tattoo.com

It was after spotting Arthur's tattoo during the release of the sea turtle babies that we decided to go to Dewa. Late in the night we arrived, but luckily he had time for us.

The Goddess of the Sea, in Balinese Hindu tradition.

My souvenir from Bali.