Monday 24 September 2007

Writings on the wall

Too much time alone can make people pretty creative.
I did what prisoners do to make days go by; wrote on the wall of my cell.
It got pretty fun after a while, like a diary gone wild.
It was in the first apartment I lived in in Lisboa.
Created my own little absurd universe.

My drawings are
usually not well planned,
they just pop up in my
head and form themselves
on the paper, without any large
thoughts involved.

The quote "As light touches the horizon, we are all a part of tomorrow's dreams",
was something I came up with on a trip around the Greek archipelago in 2001.
It's a small kinda-haiku I've really fallen in love with after that.

I will quote Dave on this part:
"It's the Blimpboat that you can walk out of the sky of onto the ladder and into the Castle that rests in the clouds that are on top of a stained glass Tiffany's lamp that has an anitgravity Jet-propulsion Unit on it! Got it?"

It all started with a mushroom,
and a snail, and some straws,
and then there came a snake,
with an apple on its head.
You can make of it what you like.
It is actually a female snake,
look at the long lashes.

My pack of prairie-dogs
kept me with company
during the cold,
Portuguese winter...

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