Wednesday 6 February 2008

Mural Insanity

MurAL inSanITy was a drawing I made Fall 2003.

Some of the inspiration is from Madame Blavatsky's book "Isis Unveiled" and also "The Great Pyramid Decoded" by Peter Lemesurier.

After dropping out on the regular God&Jesus Christianity when I was 13-14, I started to search for "The Truth" in all other weird places.
Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism and Shintoism occupied a lot of my "religious thoughts" in my teens. I sometimes felt that monoethism was to easy, too rigid, too bombastic in it's explanations.

While in New Orleans, me and my friend Simon found this old second-hand book store in the French Quarter. That was where I bought this book by Mr. Lemesurier, and also another book, "The Celestine Prophecy" (think it's becoming a film now), and other crazy "New-Age" litterature that was on my mind at that moment.

Luckily, for my own sake, my religious thoughts has eased down to a "Carpe Diem", and I prefer it to be like that for the rest of my living days. Even though there is a lot of inspiration in such a supernatural world, my heard definitively belongs to our natural world.

It's funny how your mind starts wandering while drawing.

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